The difference between a window and a mirror

 I don't have any clever hype or backstory for this one. Just had an arrow of inspiration and went with it. 

The difference between a window and a mirror

When I look at you just right 

I can only see the petals

Not your thorns.

Your horns

That accompany your devil may care


The altitude of your ego is so high

Mountains to climb

Climb up up and up into the clouds

Your eyes have clouds

so thick

I can barely it happen

That moment when your pupils


Your laser focus

Has turned and fixated

On me


I stand in the dark

Totally unaware of what is to come

What is running after me

An unwitting player in a game of cat and mouse

The chase 

The race is on

With no way to see the path I’m on

Running blindly

But what if I stopped 

Turned around

And let myself be caught

Caught up in you

Your arms

Your curiosity

Then you open your mouth and let the sun shine out.

Would it be so trite to say

Now I can see the light?

The light of a new day dawns

The way your words lie in your mouth

Lie in the curve of my ear

Just lies

What do I see when I look at you?

Through this glass.

In this mirror.

Photo credit: Me. 2019. Lincoln, NE.
