Zodiac Exercise #7 - Cancer

What a way to spend my lunch hour, eh?  Here's the seventh part to my Zodiac writing prompt exercise titled, Contra:

Your memory is uncanny. How do you recall these details?
The extra fine curves and lines of the lies we happily told each other.
The way you can describe our first meeting makes me nervous.
I remember it much differently. And with difficulty.

I thought you wanted only yourself for company. Possibly your scotch.
That I wasn't good enough. Not funny enough. Not clever. Not captivating.
Now I find you wanted me as more. As all. As yours. Definitely not his.

Living inside past memories and dreams of the future is dangerous.
(For both of us.)
Why remain silent about the here and now?

I am not a bird in a cage to set free and watch.
Not serendipity in human form. Arms out and fingers grabbing for chances.
If you want me, show me. Come and get me

As a woman, I may be a contradiction.
But you, are just plain contrary.


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