Holy Bananas! Happy Anniversary, Blog!
Well holy shit!
Can you believe that it has already been one entire year since I started this little blog? That's right, on May 31, 2011 I decided that I needed a little accountability in my writing world and "loose leaf and spiral bound" was born...
So, I'm sure you're wondering if it worked, right? As of today, I am happy to report that I have in fact kept the promise I made to myself and have sent out poems each and every-single-frickin' month. BAM! That's right folks, I have submitted to eleven different literary journals and magazines and will be mailing number twelve tomorrow (because why wouldn't I procrastinate until the very last minute of the very last day of the month). Again I say to you, and with borderline excessive enthusiasm, BAM!
In all honesty, I am very proud of my meager success. No, I haven't been picked up for publishing yet (suck) but I have managed to set a goal and keep it (yay). Along the way I have attracted some visitors to this random blog (still stunned by this) and for some reason these people keep coming back (y'all are nuts)! For this I say, "thank you" and hope you take my gratitude seriously. I know I joke around quite a bit and protect myself with a heavy layer of sarcasm, but I am just an over-anxious, obsessive compulsive woman who definitely worries if she's good enough to make it in the world of Poetry with a capital 'P'. This blog is a small slice of that previously mentioned meager writing success and I am grateful to those who support it by clicks, visits, browses, forwards, links, etc.
Here's to another year of writing and submitting...and (fingers-crossed) publishing.
Can you believe that it has already been one entire year since I started this little blog? That's right, on May 31, 2011 I decided that I needed a little accountability in my writing world and "loose leaf and spiral bound" was born...
So, I'm sure you're wondering if it worked, right? As of today, I am happy to report that I have in fact kept the promise I made to myself and have sent out poems each and every-single-frickin' month. BAM! That's right folks, I have submitted to eleven different literary journals and magazines and will be mailing number twelve tomorrow (because why wouldn't I procrastinate until the very last minute of the very last day of the month). Again I say to you, and with borderline excessive enthusiasm, BAM!
In all honesty, I am very proud of my meager success. No, I haven't been picked up for publishing yet (suck) but I have managed to set a goal and keep it (yay). Along the way I have attracted some visitors to this random blog (still stunned by this) and for some reason these people keep coming back (y'all are nuts)! For this I say, "thank you" and hope you take my gratitude seriously. I know I joke around quite a bit and protect myself with a heavy layer of sarcasm, but I am just an over-anxious, obsessive compulsive woman who definitely worries if she's good enough to make it in the world of Poetry with a capital 'P'. This blog is a small slice of that previously mentioned meager writing success and I am grateful to those who support it by clicks, visits, browses, forwards, links, etc.
Here's to another year of writing and submitting...and (fingers-crossed) publishing.
In honor of celebrating anniversaries - here is a photo me and the hubs celebrating our anniversary. Awww! |
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