Holy Bananas! Happy Anniversary, Blog!
Well holy shit! Can you believe that it has already been one entire year since I started this little blog? That's right, on May 31, 2011 I decided that I needed a little accountability in my writing world and "loose leaf and spiral bound" was born... So, I'm sure you're wondering if it worked, right? As of today, I am happy to report that I have in fact kept the promise I made to myself and have sent out poems each and every-single-frickin' month. BAM! That's right folks, I have submitted to eleven different literary journals and magazines and will be mailing number twelve tomorrow (because why wouldn't I procrastinate until the very last minute of the very last day of the month). Again I say to you, and with borderline excessive enthusiasm, BAM ! In all honesty, I am very proud of my meager success. No, I haven't been picked up for publishing yet (suck) but I have managed to set a goal and keep it (yay). Along the way I have attracted ...