My summer reading list - - not a total bust, but close.

Today was my daughter's first day of school, and it made me realize that summer is quickly drawing to a close.  Though I don't feel sad about ending the mind melting 100* temps, I do feel a little guilty about not making further headway on my "it's summer - - time to read until your eyes fall out" list.

I usually try to mix a little new fiction, a little brain candy/romance novels, a little poetry, maybe a little horror/thriller, and I like to throw in a few re-reads.   This might seem like a daunting feat, but considering I generally read one or two books a week, it's not all that intimidating.  The part I feel guilty about, is the large amount of re-reading I did, and the very small amount of new works I took in.  For easy browsing, I've provided lists below to demonstrate this disproportionate relationship:

New Fiction:
Smokin' Seventeen, by Janet Evanovich
Dracula in Love, by Karen Essex
Undead and Undermined, by MaryJanice Davidson
Dead Reckoning, by Charlaine Harris
(No, really.  This is about all of the new literature I took in.  Sad, right?)

Howl, by Allen Ginsberg
Bet Me, by Jenny Crusie
Mindfield, by Gregory Corso
The Prophet, by Khalil Gibran
The Shawshank Redemption, by Stephen King
The Crack in Everything, by Alicia Ostriker
You Suck, by Christopher Moore
Now and Then, by Robert B. Parker
Sign of Seven Trilogy, by Nora Roberts
The Circle Trilogy, by Nora Roberts
(and so on...please note that most of these are from my own bookshelves) 

So, I've decided that in these last few weeks of summer I am going to read only new things - - no more re-reading!  DONE AND DONE. 


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