Yeah - totally missed the mark on that one.
So, I have joined my office's "100 Days of Wellness" team. We are supposed to compete with other teams by logging our daily activity minutes. We really do this in hopes of winning fantastic prizes, and perhaps maybe, we'll develop a habit of exercising. I decided that I would do a combination of walking and yoga/stretching because a) I sure as shit am not running unless there is a slobbering, foaming, and clearly rabid dog chasing after me, and b) I thought the yoga/stretching would also give me the opportunity to clear out the noise in my head for a bit. Maybe if I could clear out some of the debris, I would have more room for creative images and ideas. HA! Yeah, it absolutely doesn't happen that way for me. In terms of calm and quiet yoga, that is. I can walk just fine, thank you very much. Let me paint you a picture of how 15 minutes of yoga goes for me... Me: "DOGS!! Go on! Seriously, just because I am sitting on the fl...