Past (not very) tense
I pulled down my "Selected Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca" paperback tonight, and started thumbing through the pages. Apparently, many many moons ago, I ripped up pieces of paper and stuck them in where I thought there were things I should note. Things I clearly wanted to revisit and remember. What a lovely trip down memory lane. I remember going through this Lorca phase my sophomore year of college. I remember how I had red plastic cat-eyed glasses and a fondness for Doc Martens. I remember the boy I had a crush on in my Poetry 253 class. Most of all I remember being happy. It was a good time and place for me. Perhaps I will go back before bed and re-read some of Lorca's poems (because they are magnificent). But for right now, I am very content just dwelling on my memories that have nothing to do with Spanish poets, and everything to do with poetry.